Event results from Devastation Fight Night 5/4/12. From the AC Brase Areana in Cape Girardeau, MO
Welter Weight Championship
Kyle Kurtz def. Jimmy "The Piranha" Sievers - Injury stoppage
The main event went back and forth from ground to stand-up. Very evenly matched fight through the first round which ended with Kurtz mounted and dropping blows. Midway through the second round Jimmy Sievers dislocated his right shoulder forcing a referee stoppage due to injury.
Heavy Weight Championship
Max McNeely def. Pat Martin, 2nd round Submission (Armbar)
Middle Weight Championship
Justin Murphy def. Scott Furtell, 1st round Submission (Rear Naked Choke)
Bryce Western def Curtis McBride, Unanimous Decision
Zeke Putman def Justin Brandy, R1 KO
Robert Mayes def Trace Bell, R1 TKO
Aris Bowen def Rocky Jerls, R1 TKO
Ronnell Mayes def Austin Pavault, R1 TKO
Cameron Malone def Charles Rogers, Unanimous Decision
Brandon Ditterline def David Gomez, R1 KO
Josh Lee def Jake King, R1 KO
Blake Stone def Jeremy Haynes, R1 KO
Steve Barbee def JacobJungers, R1 TKO
Chris Criddle def Charles Patterson, R1 TKO

Special thanks to Rick Scaggs for the photo
Devastation Fight Night - Results
By Mark Frazier | for Knuckle Junkies
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