In this edition of Fight Strong I am going to lay out for you a routine that will increase overall body power, as well as if modified, serve as a practical conditioning workout.
This workout takes some of the principles from Crossfit style training as well as sports performance and powerlifting techniques.
You will perform basic and Olympic lifts for 5 sets of 5 reps with maximal amount of weight for each.
If your goal is to increase pure strength and power, perform each set of each exercise individually (i.e. do 5 sets of 5 reps with breaks in between sets of one lift before moving onto the next). If your goal is to increase conditioning, lower the weight accordingly and perform 5 reps of each exercise in order, break then rotate back to the top of the order. This will total 25 reps in a set and you can go through that for as many total sets as you can handle, but ideally 5 rotations.
Go through these exercises with a trainer or experienced lifter to make sure form is correct as well, enjoy!
Deadlifts 5x5
Squats 5x5
Power cleans 5x5
Hang clean to push press 5x5
Snatches 5x5
Ryan Sutton is a professional mixed martial artist and trainer at Finney's MMA. You can contact Ryan at

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