Prize Fight MMA / Feb 18 2012
Lady Luck Casino - Caruthersville, Mo
Amateur Fights
Fight 1: Jerome Thames (2-2) vs T C Coleman (5-4) - Featherweight
Fight starts off with both men trading kicks. Back and forth action. Coleman gets a takedown, and lands in side control. Coleman tries an arm triangle. When that fails he ground and pounds Thames until the ref stops the fight at 2:12 of the first round.
Fight 2: Justin McCulough (16-6) vs TJ Eskew (3-0) - Middleweight
Eskew gets a takedown early in the round. Lands some good shots. McCulough tries some submissions from the bottom, but Eskew escapes and keeps scoring with strikes to end the round.
Round two and McCulough lands some good strikes. He takes Eskew's back, and wins with a rear naked choke at 2:06
Fight 3:Gary Johnson (7-8) vs Anthony Livingston (3-3) - Welterweight
The fighters circle to start the fight. They clinch and Johnson pulls guard. He works a guillotine, but can't finish. Livingston escapes and ground and pounds Johnson. With 10 seconds to go in the round Johnson locks on a triangle. The bell sounds and Livingston escapes.
Round two the fighters engage. Livingston gets a standing guillotine, but doesn't finish. A takedown followed by a guillotine finishes the fight at 2:31. Anthony Livingston from Team Evolution in Poplar Bluff Mo wins.
Fight 4: Willie Taylor (9-4) vs Alvin Williams (6-4) - Welterweight
Williams gets a takedown. Lands strikes from the top. Taylor keeps his composure, and tries for an arm bar then a triangle from the bottom.
Round two Taylor ties up with Williams in the corner. In the scramble against the cage Taylor takes the back and finishes the fight with a rear naked choke at 0:36
Fight 5: Cody Chessor (17-5) vs Jesse Parker (8-3)
- Prize Fight Bantamweight Championship
Most of round one is spent on the ground, with Chessor having Parkers back. Chessor alternates strikes with trying for a choke, but can't put Parker away
Parker gets the takedown in round two. Parker lands strikes, but Chessor traps an arm and tries an arm bar. Parker escapes and takes Chessor's back.
Parker gets the takedown again in round three. Parker landing strikes from guard. Chessor gets the arm bar again. Parker escapes into side control, and gets the arm bar for the win at 2:51
Fight 6: Tyler Wilson (12-1) vs Ben Brewer (15-1) - Welterweight
Wilson with a takedown and an arm bar attempt. The arm bar doesn't work so he goes for a triangle. Brewer fights it off. Back and forth round on the ground.
Round two sees Wilson pull guard and try a guillotine. Brewer escapes and starts landing punches. Wilson tries an ankle lock. Brewer tries an ankle lock then a knee bar.
Round three and Brewer with the takedown. Brewer controls the round on the ground landing stikes. Brewer wins a unanimous decision
Pro Fights
Fight 7: Joe Pass (0-1) vs Danny Andrews (0-0) - Welterweight
Both fighters get two takedowns in the first round. Andrews does more damage with strikes on the ground
Round two Pass with two more takedowns. He takes the back, but can't finish Andrews
Round three sees Pass get another takedown. Andrews reverses and takes Pass' back. A flutty of shots and it's over at 2:03, giving Andrews the win in his pro debut
Fight 8: Chris Miller (9-1) vs Don Bell (6-3) - Heavyweight
A stand up fight for three rounds. Bell has no answer for Millers striking. Miller throws punches and kicks from every angle. Miller wins a unanimous decision 30-26 on all three score cards
Fight 9: Jake Underwood (2-0) vs Josh Shaffer (5-1) - Prize Fight Lightweight Championship
Underwood comes out fast and lands a takedown. He takes Shaffer's back and opens up with strikes. As soon as he gets a chance Underwood switches to an armbar and wins at 1:23 of the first

Staff | Knuckle Junkies
Prize Fight MMA 7 - Recap
By Rob Francis | Special for Knuckle Junkies
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